Artificial Intelligence in Telemedicine and Software Engineering
Principal Investigator: Tibor Gyimóthy
The research group is established upon the extensive competences of the Department of Software Engineering and the MTA-SZTE Research Group on Artificial Intelligence in the software engineering, telemedicine and artificial intelligence domains, including machine learning and especially deep learning experiences. The field of Telemedicine is an ideal candidate for conducting applied data science related research as multiple scientific (medical science, legal aspects, software engineering and data science) fields should collaborate. The members of the group have significant experience in the measurement part (elaborating hypotheses in the field of medicine, elaborating and conducting clinical trials), in the data science part (conducting big data-based data mining) and in applying AI methods on the obtained data. We plan to utilize this knowledge in order to run projects motivated by the medical hypotheses and providing real world solutions with the help of data and software engineering sciences. Our focus areas related to software engineering research include software testing and test suites, test to code traceability, software recommendation systems, fault localization and automatic program repair. We plan to apply data mining, natural language processing, various program analysis techniques and heuristics to achieve novel results.

Group's Content
Zoltán Alexin, Gergő Balogh, Vilmos Bilicki, János Csirik, Gábor Gosztolya, Zoltán Janka, András Kicsi, György Kovács, Péter Pusztai, Zoltán Szabó, László Tóth, György Turán, László Vidács, Veronika Vincze