Secure IoT Software Platforms
Principal Investigator: Ákos Kiss
The JavaScript language has become a prominent programming language over the past decades. In several programming areas it has become the primary programming language even. Our goal is to make the technology favored and used by huge numbers of software developers (i.e., JavaScript) available on embedded, smart, IoT devices as well. There are some goals, however, that are competing against each other, especially under the pressure of constraints typical for IoT devices: compact code size, efficient memory use, performance, standard conformance, energy efficiency, and responsivity real-time guarantees. Finding answers to these challenges forms the core of our research.
As connectedness is the core concept of IoT, it also means that the devices are always potential targets of cyber-attacks. Thus, it is also our research goal to find techniques that provide the developers with tools that help ensure that the software products deployed on IoT devices are hardened against security breaches.
In addition to the above goals, the research group also tackles several related topics: the simulation of cloud-connected IoT devices, the modelling of their sensor data, and the algorithmization of gateway management and data aggregation; the connectivity problem of dynamic graphs, useful in quickly changing environments; and the theoretical computational complexity of certain restricted classes of P systems with active membranes.

Group's Content
József Dániel Dombi, Péter Gál, Zsolt Gazdag, Kitti Gelle, Renáta Hodován, Szabolcs Iván, Attila Kertész, Gábor Lóki, András Márkus, Zoltán L. Németh, Tamás Pflanzner